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Communicating with my dog

Posted in - Personal Journey on January 16th 2016 3 Comments


Having spent so much time with my dog Ari I am  in tune with her moods and her characteristics. I becoming that person who I used to judge who would talk to their dog and bring them everywhere. Well thats me and I am owning it. I want to know what my dog is saying and feeling. Of course she cant talk but if she could that would be the best gift ever. However I come up with my own words for what she would say in people talk. Ari is lazy in the morning. She gives me that look of dont even think about bothering me. This is my sleep time. She knows my moods as well. When I start getting ready doing my makeup putting my clothes on for the day she gives me that look of you better take me with you. Being the person who brings Ari with me I realize I get to know her more and I can become a Jedi master communicator. Cause who doesnt want to be a dog whisperer?


As I was explaining before Ari is a lazy puppy in the morning. When I try to get her to go to the bathroom she waits till I come over and put the leash on her then she stretches and she gives me the look I guess I can go to the bathroom now. I have learned that she gets hyper in the afternoon. When I have a day off to spend with her and we are napping she will sometimes paw my face. like hey I am ready for my walk. Get up sleepy its go time. When shes antsy I know she wants to play with her sister Lucy. I will take her over to my in-laws house and then they will duke it out hide each others bones and chase birds and squirrels together. When I take her hiking she always barks at the big dogs and usually gives the little dogs a pass. She thinks she is a tough guy and uses her bark to tell other dogs whats up. I get embarrassed and have been trying to work on her with not barking at people and animals. But hey nobody is perfect. Progress not perfection.


Ari can also read my moods. When I did not feel good last week and had a migraine she cuddled up to me and snuggled. I have cried at sad movies before with Ari laying on me and she will get up on her legs and kiss my face. I know she could sense my sadness. Ari should get paid to be a greeter. Every time I come home from work she greets me with a waggy tail a smile and licks me uncontrollably.  I love to hike with my puppy because she will push and challenge me. In her doggy voice she says come on Mum lets pick it up you are going at a snails pace. She knows that I need to step up my fitness game. When Ari knows I am happy and I want to play she will roll on her belly and move her legs back and forth. In her dog voice she is relaying Come on I want to play and you cant resist my cuteness.


All dogs have their own personality. Ari has a sister Lucy who lives with my in-laws and they are twins. Lucy is cute quirky can get scared at times an explorer humble and loves to run around the yard and play. Ari is the alpha dog in this relationship and will boss Lucy around. She is protective of me and when I try and pet Lucy she growls at her every time. Like hey that is my Mom and I  say when you can kiss her or not. She will steal Lucys bones right out in front of her. Even when I give them both their own bone. Ari has this waddle about her. Like hey guys look at me in all my awesomeness. She is confident and I have never met a dog that will stare at you for a long time. If you played a staring contest with her she would win hands down. This puppy thinks she is people because Ari will sit on my lap and act like she is driving the car. In her dog voice Hey Mom I got this okay. I am the captain of this ship.


Yes I am that person who lets my dog sit in my lap and put her hands on the staring wheel so she can see. I am that person who takes their dog with them on a rainy cold winter day to the coffee shop blanket in hand because Ari cant be cold. Then the barista delivers myhusband and Is hot drinks as he is giving us the judging look. I did tell the last guy who came out yes I am that person I use to judge. He laughed. There was a person who would bring their dog into the restaurant I worked at order them a cheeseburger cut it up and feed it to their dog. I would judge them along with other staff before I had a dog. Then after having Ari a year I now know I am that person. There is nothing wrong with it. They love their animal and want to connect. I am tickled pink to be able to spend as much time as I can so I can be on the dog whispers level of communication with my beloved animal.


Do you like to communicate with your animal? Are you like me and obsessed with your dog?

Ari and Lucy are half Scottish Terrier and half  chihuahua.

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  • Jeri - Reply

    January 19, 2016 at 5:26 am

    Ari is such a cute puppy! I have a rescue dog who is afraid of almost everything so it can be hard to read her at times. People in my family continually ask if Zoey has gotten better and I have to tell them no. She doesnt make up to people at all but I am glad I can give her a peaceful home where she can be a happy dog when its just the two of us.
    Jeri recently posted…#Marketing: Finding 1000 True FansMy Profile

  • Kathleen - Reply

    January 19, 2016 at 2:38 pm

    I love reading about your life with your dog! Great pictures too!

    • crystal - Reply

      January 28, 2016 at 2:18 pm

      Thanks I appreciate you checking my page out. =)

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