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What people love about Christmas

Posted in - I will take inspiration any place I can find it on December 14th 2015 1 Comments

While at work yesterday I got the idea to ask all the employees and guests what their favorite thing about Christmas is. I am a waitress and work at a sports bar and I thought I would use the platform of being around so many people to conduct my experiment. When I asked my guests they were shocked by the question and said it is so hard to pick one thing. A few said their treasured part was all the festivities of Christmas. I had a couple people who said I am glad when it will be over. Others shared that Christmas makes you all giddy and happy inside. That it is about the spirit of giving and it is a magical time. I would agree. Christmas is my favorite holiday. I got married around Christmas if that tells you how much I love it.

One girl shared at my work that on ABC family they have 25 days of Christmas were they show all Christmas movies throughout the season.  You can go to days of Christmas.   My favorite Christmas movie is Christmas Vacation. If you need a good laugh this movie will make you pee your pants. Cousin Eddie in the movie is why I watch the movie every year. You can watch the trailer here Christmas Vacation

Felix the cook said with his strong Spanish accent I want one million dollars. He is going to buy a lottery ticket Christmas day. Other people shared that they love the food. One person voiced that her Grandma makes everything from scratch once a year and she gets to have her famous stuffing. Another guest said they love homemade meatballs and all the variety of Christmas food. Mine is hands down pumpkin pie. It is like a dose of heaven in my mouth.

Various people said they are thrilled about decorating. They love dressing up their Christmas tree putting up lights and wrapping presents.  This is a picture of a house in Franklin TN. IMG_20151213_163618

Seeing the Christmas tree lit up every night with all the ornaments one has collected over the year is peaceful. It is as if the Christmas tree puts me in a trance and I could be blissfully happy staring at it for hours. This is a picture of my Mother in laws Christmas tree.

IMG_20151210_110310A few mentioned that they will be able to see family they havent seen in a long time. One girl at my work is going to visit her family in South Korea and the Philippines for Christmas. Others are happy to see their family who live out of state and get to spend the holidays with. Some revealed that they live far away from their family and they are excited to spend Christmas without them. Maybe that persons family is like Uncle Eddie in Christmas Vacation. IMG_20151130_120949

I love being with my husband and my dog Ari on Christmas. I almost didnt want to do the Christmas card but my husband talked me into it and said we are doing it. With most things I struggle with getting done my husband is always there to say you will be happy that you did it. I was.

Some of the people love this time of year because everybody is in good cheer and is in the spirit of giving. One guy from my work said he is glad to get socks from his Grandma every year because one needs socks. I asked the gas station guy and he said he loves this time of the year because of the birth of Jesus and doesnt care about gifts. He also said people are more charitable around Christmas. Other people recounted they enjoy getting and giving presents. I would love to say that I dont really care about presents like the guy at the store. But I do. I love getting a stocking and rifling through it to find all the little gems it is stuffed with.

The over all consensus I got from the twenty people I talked to is they love Christmas. Whether it be the delicious food the tradition of putting up their Christmas tree every year enjoying this time of year with family or brightening someones day with a lovely present. December is an enchanting and peaceful time. I feel it in the air and see it with all the beautiful decorated houses people coming into my work dressed in Christmas decor and exchanging presents with their meals. Hearing the Christmas music being played on the radio and majority of stores I go into.


This is a picture of the lights at Opryland hotel and it brings tons of visitors every year. Click here on Opryland and it will take you to the website.



What is your favorite part of Christmas?




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  • Jeri - Reply

    December 17, 2015 at 10:40 pm

    I can admittedly be a bit of a grinch but my favorite part is probably the lights. The soft glow of Christmas lights never gets old. I was living in Florida one year at Christmas time and I loved it. I am just not a cold weather person which is probably why my Christmas spirit is frozen 😉
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