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Nashville Flea Market Holiday Hunt

Posted in - Personal Journey on October 26th 2015 3 Comments IMG_20151024_113928


I attended the Nashville fairgrounds flea market this last weekend and it was a mixture of any item you can think of with 2000 booths to choose from. There are local fenders as well as vendors that come from out of state. It was the same as being in a candy store with so many lovely options that I wanted to buy everything. I strapped on my shopping pants because I knew that it was the biggest one of the year got my cash together to find all the items I wanted to buy and got my gear ready for a successful and entertaining day.

The Nashville flea market has been going on sense 1969. It is known as one of the top ten best flea markets to visit in the United States. People come from all over to come to this event. I saw license plates from Maryland New York Alabama Georgia Michigan and a few more. You could get all your Christmas shopping done in one day. Most of the vendors are friendly and some are willing to bargain with you and lower their price for a sale.

I never leave the market without buying something. If you love dogs like I do you can buy them cute outfits treats collars and cute sunglasses like this adorable dog in this picture.


I needed new coasters for the house and picked up these for five dollars. The woman makes them herself and they are pleasing to the eye. You can find anything here.



Like these redneck flashlights if you need them . Hey you never know when you could be in a jam.



I bought this beautiful ring for 47 dollars to substitute for my wedding ring being ran over by a car. I bargained with the woman and she gave me fifteen percent of the original price plus three dollars off.


what is neat is people bring their own creations that they make and sell them. In the picture a vender makes bird feeders out of mason jars. This is thinking outside the box and I love to see what genius items humanity will come up with.


When I looked at my fit-bit at the end of the day I had 10000 steps which equals to four miles. You are going to need comfortable walking shoes. As you can see in this picture it is raining and my husband is ready for the weather. He has his raincoat on long pants hiking shoes and umbrella.


We got coffee on the way to stay focused and make sure we get everything on our list we need. I also carried a backpack and it was able to hold all my purchases.


There is tons of furniture you can buy plants rugs and bigger items. You can buy little carriers with wheels on them and I have seen people wheel them around with their belongings. If you buy a big piece of furniture they will let you drive up with your car and put in your car to make it convenient.

At the end of my shopping extravaganza I was a happy camper. I got to go to the biggest flea market event of the year and that is a win in my book. I bought fourteen items that cost me a hundred and forty dollars which is spectacular deal. I have gotten smarter over the years and have warn comfortable clothes shoes and brought a backpack to carry my bargains. If you didnt get to make it to this one your in luck because they have one once a month. They always do a theme and next month is Novel and Nostalgic. The dates are November 27-28-29 2015.

You can click on this link and it will take you to the dates and the themes they have for upcoming months.

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As of now (3) people have had something to say...

  • Jeri - Reply

    October 27, 2015 at 7:32 pm

    Flea markets can be so much fun. I dont go nearly often enough. Im always on the look out for old furniture that I can revive with new coats of paint. My next project will be a dining table but I have yet to begin the search.
    Jeri recently posted…#AuthorInterview: Jason SmithMy Profile

  • externalizare it bucuresti - Reply

    December 26, 2015 at 2:50 pm

    Great article! We will bee linkming to this great post on our website.

    Keep up the great writing.
    externalizare it bucuresti recently posted…externalizare it bucurestiMy Profile

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