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Lost my wedding ring found it and gained perspective

Posted in - Personal Journey on October 12th 2015 2 Comments

The other day I lost my wedding ring and I had a mini panic attack. I was contemplating weither telling my husband or hiding it from him. I did tell on myself later that day. You know how everyone has their character defects. Well one of mine is not being conscientious of my belongings. I was wearing my ring on my pinky finger because it was hurting my band finger. That was not a bright idea. This incident made me look back on other personal property I have lost.  A car key vanished and it cost me 500 dollars because it had only one unique computer chip in it that only Honda made.

I have come to understand I need to slow down put things away where they belong and take the necessary steps to find what I lost.

People have said to me at work where you going turbo? I walk as if I am working for a purpose. It doesnt matter if I have nothing to do. I get up and walk fast to the next thing I undertake without thinking if I have all my things pausing and taking a moment. I dont know where I get this incessant need to get a task done as fast as I can.  My husband said I am doing better about slowing down and taking care of my stuff. My husband is methodical in the way he does things. He takes his time. Losing my wedding ring made me want to dial my fast brain from a ten down to a five.


I have waken up at five am and have looked down to see that I have been sleeping on my glasses all night. I must be the luckiest girl because I havent broke an eye glass set sense I began wearing them in eighth grade. I can hear my husbands voice in my head babe you are going to break your glasses one day. I am getting better because most nights I put them away in my eye glass case. However progress not perfection people. I still leave them on the night stand when I forget. I say thats better then sleeping on them.

My husband asks me to retrace my steps when I lose something. When I lost my wedding ring the other day he asked me to visualize when I was last wearing it. I am like a Debbie downer when this happens. I dont want to picture where I last had it on. I am mad at myself for losing and deep down inside I am feeling that I am never going to find it. I do the exercise begrudgingly. I had been to three places that day. First I went on a walk with my dog and a friend. The second stop I made was at Whole Foods to buy coffee. The last place I ended up was Pet co.  I went home and then an hour later I realized I has lost my wedding ring. When my husband came home I knew I had to tell him. He was upset because it took him a year to pay off the ring. I had that gross feeling in my stomach that made me think I should have listened to my husband all these years about putting my stuff away where it goes. He suggested we make fliers and put them up at every place I had been that day. By chance Petco called saying a woman and her two children found it in the parking lot took it into every store until the found the right one. It had been ran over by a car but still looked good. I gave the girls fifty dollars for finding it for me.

I learned an important warning that day. I am like a little kid when it comes to losing my personal belongings. I rush through life without thinking first. I need to pause for a second put my stuff away and go on with my day. Thank God I didnt have to learn a 3500 dollar lesson that day. I got a lucky break and I am slowing my turbo butt down from now on.


Has this ever happened to you? Are you like a tornado running through life too fast and losing your valuables in the process?

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As of now (2) people have had something to say...

  • carma - Reply

    October 13, 2015 at 4:50 am

    Thank goodness they returned it and boy did you get lucky! A ring is small to see on pavement too…………SOOOO happy that it came back! PLEASE dont lose it again……….if anything put it on a neckchain…………..

  • Jeri - Reply

    October 14, 2015 at 2:52 am

    So glad you found your ring and that it was only a little worse for the wear. I momentarily lost a credit card in the Costco parking lot a while back because I was frazzled but in general I do heed the advice to slow things down in life and put them in their place. It really does help.
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