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How to hike efficiently

Posted in - Personal Journey on September 15th 2015 1 Comments IMG_20150914_082318


Now that it is soon to be fall and the leaves are changing this is an ideal time to hike. I have been consistently hiking for a couple months now and my husband said I embodied what he would call a hot mess hiker. I would wear a crappy non durable purse with little kleenex tissues to pick Ari my dogs poop up.  Which Ari embarrassed me profusely as she began to poop in front of a man who was climbing up the cliff. I got nervous and picked the poop up fast to hide the evidence and smeared poop all over my hand. That was lovely. I then would bring store bought water bottles that would leak in my purse wear my old hiking shoes that I have had for five years had a hole in them and the soles were almost coming off. One day my husband and I were hiking at Edwin Warner park and Chandler stopped us about a mile into the hike  because the water bottles were leaking through my purse. I was freaking out that my brand new Nexus six phone was going to get wet. The last straw that broke the camels back was when my husband saw me put my phone in the elastic part of my pants. He said that is it. We are turning around and going to Costco to buy you a backpack. I got mad because  one I dont like being told what to do and two we were almost a mile in and I just wanted to finish the hike. As we walked back to the car I had my pout face on and was lagging behind my husband at least thirty steps. He could tell I was upset and said it will be a good thing. I huffed and puffed all the way to the store. I can be a stubborn mule at times and dig my heels into the ground. I stayed with Ari in the car until my husband emerged twenty minutes later. When I set eyes on him I saw he was carrying two very berry smoothies and  a cute bright pink and purple backpack. My stubbornness went out the window and I was happy that my husband made us go get a backpack. I smiled at him gave him a big hug and admired my shiny new item. Alot of the times I will start something with a fire lit under my butt and I am off to the races to accomplish that goal. Some of my missions I give up on because I realize I was not that into the hobby. My husband knows when I am serious about something and he knew that I was becoming a no-nonsense hiker. He said if I wanted to be a serious hiker I had to stop acting like an amateur. I agreed with him and he went with me to pick out new hiking shoes at REI. I love that store and always want to buy everything in it. My husband knows that I have to love the style of the shoe or I am not going to wear it. I know I should not care but I want to like the shoes I am wearing. The picture below is the new hiking shoes I bought. They are Ahnu Sugarpine Womens Hiking Boots. They cost me a a hundred and ten dollars in store but they are more expensive right now online. What I like about this hiking shoe that my other other one did not have was that it is waterproof. They are also slip resistant and have the grooves on the bottom that will keep me from slipping or falling down a hill. Now that I have great hiking shoes a back pack a solid water bottle bigger paper towels to pick Aris poop up to save myself from shame I am in better shape then I was when I first started out. My husband can no longer say I am a shenanigan hiker. I have moved up to mid-level hiker. I am good with that for now.





What do you bring with you when you hike? Do you have any funny hiking stories? 

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  • Jeri - Reply

    September 17, 2015 at 3:10 am

    Even after years of doing day hikes and overnight backcountry hikes I find I am always improving and streamlining both the gear and processes I use. I took a friend on his first overnight hike this summer in Sun Valley and he was a bit blown away by all of my specialized equipment most of which came from REI 😉
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