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Trying to get back to center

Posted in - Personal Journey on September 25th 2014 5 Comments This is what getting centered looks like to me. The sunrise in Franklin, Tennessee.

This last week just one of those kind of weeks Where everything feels like its going wrong and you keep trying to get back to center not have a melt down and trudge through the rest of your week. However everywhere you turn some annoying circumstance keeps nailing you in the face.

The first incident that went wrong is I was was twenty minutes late for my first interview. I just moved to Nashville Tennessee a month and half ago and still am learning my way around. I got there twenty minutes early then my phone died on me and I was aimlessly walking around for forty minutes asking multiple people for directions. Nothing like giving myself a panic attack before I go into an interview. All I could do was to take three breaths say a prayer and do my best.

The second scene that happened is I come down with a wretched cold. I just finished with nursing assistant school and all I have learned about is what precautions to take from preventing yourself from getting diseases and getting sick. I am confident in myself that I am not going to get sick. I have got this down pat. I have spent the whole five weeks washing my hands like a maniac and using all the tools to stay healthy. Well I still got the ugly cough and proceeded to cough uncontrollably for four days. I looked like ten shades of horrible and was driving my husband crazy with my loud hacking.

After a couple of days I am feeling better want to get some gas run some errands get a coffee in town and study. Now this is not like when I lived in Tempe Arizona and there was a gas station and a Starbucks on almost every corner. I am living in the wilderness and It is ten minutes to the gas station or a Starbucks. I look over at my phone that I swear I having been charging all night and unplugged it. Its got about thirty percent juice Left. I figure that will get me around town to run my errands use my GPs and not get lost. I am in my car and almost to the gas station when I realize I have no money with me my gas tank is almost on empty and my phone is dead. Not a good scenario when you Just moved to a new town. At that point I was feeling like that chick in Waiting who is fuming at her rude customer who is complaining about their steak. She goes back into the kitchen and starts to get the Sunday dessert prepared. Shes yelling out loud you want your freaking Sunday well I give you freaking Sunday and you shove it where the sun dont shine. Those arent her exact words but it is something like it. You have to see the movie because it is hilarious seeing her lose it. That was me in the car for about a straight minute. Just pounding my fists on the wheel and having a train wreck meltdown.

Last but not least I decide to make a dessert for my in laws and my husband. I look up the cookie Graham pie. I lay all my ingredients out and feel that I got a handle on it. Why is that I think in my head that its going to turn out amazing like they do on the food network. I am feeling very confident that this is going to turn out amazing and taste just like how the famous chefs cook all their effortless decadent deserts. Instead it turns out hard brittle and it not sweet tasting like it should be. At this point I just needed to go to bed and start a new week.

The lie that I tell myself is my desert needs to turn out perfect and look like the food networks replica. Then if it doesnt come out how I want it then I have obviously failed at being the perfect domestic do it all multitasking super woman. Well I find trying to live up to that standard exhausting. That was me trying to fit into super womans shoes this week. She is crabby gets run down gets sick and beats herself up all the time. I finally waved my red flag and said God I give up and I surrender and I am going to stop trying to run the show. I decided to leave the results up to him. Its not worth it. Nobody can have a happy centered life when they are trying to split themselves seven different ways . Part of me thinks all these irritating things that happened this week are because God is telling me to slow down. I am no good to myself my family and my husband when I am not centered. So I am taking the hints and cutting myself some slack. Oh how good it feels to let go of the reigns.

Have you ever felt this way in your life?

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  • andleeb - Reply

    September 26, 2014 at 7:30 am

    Hello Crystal
    I am happy to know that end was good. As you realized that the will of God is above our will and no matter what we do unless we leave results on Him it is hard to accomplish all plans according to our schedule many times.
    This also happens to me many times and I do exactly what you have done. I feel sorry about your phone but what about the Job did you get the job?
    I was just trying to make shapes with pancakes as I saw yesterday many videos but it turned out to be a big failure and at 10:25a.m. I finally manage to take my breakfast with simple pancake :)
    I was also wondering how you managed to refill your vehicle ? BTW I am thinking May be the phone was not plugged properly.
    Next time if you have cough or flu just prepare black tea put a tablespoon of honey and a tablespoon of lemon juice drink it before sleeping and try to avoid drinking water at least for one hour … In morning you will feel much better.
    All the best.
    andleeb recently posted…VIP Culture in Pakistan.My Profile

  • Lenie - Reply

    September 26, 2014 at 3:22 pm

    Hi Crystal – sorry about the week but good thing you stopped to recharge. As bad as your week was I dont know if I should tell you that your post made me smile a lot.

  • Jeri - Reply

    September 30, 2014 at 3:30 pm

    The bad stuff always seems to come in waves but we just have to be able to ride it out which helps little when its happening I know 😉 My entire first year of teaching felt like one huge issue after another but time always brings perspective.
    Jeri recently posted…#Publishing: 6 Hot Trends in Indie Book MarketingMy Profile

  • crystal - Reply

    September 30, 2014 at 9:40 pm

    I fixed it! I am feeling much better!i got a job at the hospital! Thanks. I am very excited! 😉

  • crystal - Reply

    September 30, 2014 at 9:43 pm

    Thanks Tim. I missed reading the blogs too. Its much better imagining ridiculous faces. I m glad you got a laugh out of it. I have calmed down and I can laugh now too.

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