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Knowing when to leave before my expiration date

Posted in - Personal Journey on April 22nd 2014 24 Comments


I have been trying to realize when I am passed the expiration date.  I like to hang onto things with a death grip. Mainly its fear of the unknown and internally fearing of losing an old identity. What will I be without xyand z? I have been doing the same mundane job or task over and over. I know that  I have been  complacent and unhappy. Truly it was pulling teeth to get up and go to work everyday.

For example I should have quit the old job months before  when the day-to-day tasks became a burden. I held on because  the what ifs kept running like a tape recorder in my head.The questions that kept firing off where what if I dont make enough money at the new position? What if I hate my new job? Then where will I be? All the irrational fears kept my feet cemented to the ground.  I knew I wasnt happy and couldnt  honor my feelings. The voice of responsibility said I needed to stay the course. It took my getting fed up and having a good cry to quit finally.

I have also done this with goals I have wanted to achieve in my life. For a time I wanted to pursue a music career. I got a guitar learned how to  play took music lessons and tried out for anything pertaining to music. I enjoyed it for a couple years. Then it started to become a chore  to practice everyday. I  put guilt on myself  because I didnt play long enough. There was all this energy and time thrown into music and if  I walked away I would have to admit defeat. I had put all this time and money into honing  music skills that I felt an obligation to keep going.

Then the last six months I realized I do not have to push myself in a direction that is pass the expiration date. It was okay that I grew out of the job and music path. My interests are moving somewhere else and the does not mean I am a failure or that I have wasted time. I can pick up and do something I am passionate about. Meanwhile a weight has been lifted off my chest. I no longer had to buy into what I should be doing in life.

Fear is a funny thing and it will push you to do things you are no longer feeling anymore. A great spiritual teacher and author who I respect said  “When you get rid of your fear of failure your tensions about succeeding… you can be yourself. Relaxed. Youll no longer be driving with your brakes on.” ― Anthony de Mello  I have been using the brakes my whole life. I now want to put my feet on the gas and go wherever the wind takes me.

Have you had a similar experience in your life?

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  • crystal - Reply

    April 22, 2014 at 6:27 pm

    Thanks for the kind words! you are right Sandy!

  • crystal - Reply

    April 22, 2014 at 7:09 pm

    thanks Lenie! I appreciate it and glad you enjoyed it!

  • crystal - Reply

    April 22, 2014 at 7:13 pm

    Thanks Paul for the awesome compliment. You are right!

  • crystal - Reply

    April 22, 2014 at 7:14 pm

    Thanks Sandy! I agree that it is more interesting when one is not afraid to take chances. =)

  • crystal - Reply

    April 22, 2014 at 7:16 pm

    Mary thanks and I am glad you got inspired! I hate fear. lol That is why I want to run through it like a frait train. lol Good luck in all your endeavors. =)

  • Natalie - Reply

    April 22, 2014 at 7:58 pm

    Great post Crystal!

  • Niekka McDonald - Reply

    April 22, 2014 at 9:19 pm

    Fear will have you stuck and full of regret. I know it all too well. One thing I can say if it something that is in your heart to do it will not feel like a chore. You will be happy to do it and when it gets hard you will want to push harder. You are on the right track.
    Niekka McDonald recently posted…Stressful Situation Revisited…..My Profile

    • crystal - Reply

      April 23, 2014 at 9:23 pm

      Thanks Niekka and that is so true! I will want to keep pushing to do it. =)

  • crystal - Reply

    April 22, 2014 at 9:30 pm

    Tim yes this is true. I am finding it is ok to go where I feel led to go. Thanks!

  • crystal - Reply

    April 22, 2014 at 9:31 pm

    Exactly Carma! I agree with you as well. =)

  • Meredith Wouters - Reply

    April 22, 2014 at 10:07 pm

    I love the concept of an expiration date. Im guilty of thinking that just because life is one way now that this is how it will always be and thats just not true. Youve given me a lot to think about.
    Meredith Wouters recently posted…Click and Chat Social Media Linkup #4My Profile

    • crystal - Reply

      April 23, 2014 at 9:22 pm

      Meredith I agree and thanks for your thoughts. =)

  • crystal - Reply

    April 22, 2014 at 10:07 pm

    I here you on that. You have to plan a little bit of your life. lol Unless you want to be a vagabond and just roaming the world aimlessly. =)

  • crystal - Reply

    April 22, 2014 at 10:09 pm

    I agree with you! I can still get into fear but the difference is I do not want to stay there. Glad you like the quote! =)

  • Debra Yearwood - Reply

    April 23, 2014 at 2:54 am

    Knowing what your expiry date is on anything is such a moving target. Unfortunately life doesnt just stop you in your tracks and say youve had enough move on. It certainly doesnt give you a nice little tab with a date. Instead we gradually get disenchanted or disinterested in things and it takes time to even notice that things have changed. Then of course theres the fact that things dont just stop working you can have good even great days while youre detaching from something. All that to say most people give up too quickly I think you should congratulate yourself on really trying then stop when youve had enough. :)
    Debra Yearwood recently posted…Warming Up The Audience Before Delivering Your MessageMy Profile

    • crystal - Reply

      April 23, 2014 at 9:21 pm

      Debra that is a good point. People do give up too quickly on things. Slow and steady wins the race right. Thanks for your kind thoughts . =)

  • Chris Rose - Reply

    April 23, 2014 at 9:54 am

    Hiya Crystal.

    You know its crazy the younger we are the more cautious we are and afraid to take chances its so common – I guess thats the bit of consolation.

    So take it from someone older: very few things in life are worth not taking a chance on and at the end of the day everythings temporary. Whats the worst that can really happen? Youre never a failure; you gave something a shot it didnt work out you move on; the important thing is that you gave it a shot… You May have gone down in flames but at least you were on fire… Wow I like that!

    Weve all been there and as Ive said its only when you get older that you realise. Whatever it is go for it. And at the same time never be afraid to say to yourself: Hey Im happy here…

    All the best :-)
    Chris Rose recently posted…Lear winds bucolic lusts Falstaff lamentations and social media zombies… inside or out?My Profile

    • crystal - Reply

      April 23, 2014 at 9:14 pm

      I love that quote Chris! Your words really encouraged me today and I appreciate it alot. =)

  • Arleen - Reply

    April 23, 2014 at 4:13 pm

    Crystal‚ your expiration date post speaks volumes of your self awareness. We all go through this to some extent but are afraid to admit ti. It is easier to stay with the known then do the unknown which is scary. I am not one who likes change as I am getting older because I like familiarity of whatever I am doing.
    Arleen recently posted…How to Launch a Successful Publicity Stunt Like Placing a Mustang Atop of The Empire State BuildingMy Profile

    • crystal - Reply

      April 23, 2014 at 9:13 pm

      Arleen thanks for your kind words and that is thoughtful of you. Change can be hard and unsettling. I still have a hard time with it for sure. =)

  • Shelley - Reply

    April 23, 2014 at 10:57 pm

    I love the idea of an expiration date. It allows for things in your life to be good or even great for a time but then that time is past. Great word picture!

  • Jeannette Paladino - Reply

    April 24, 2014 at 4:09 am

    Crystal ̵; I love the term expiration date. Its important to keep going when you want to reach a goal youve set for yourself. On the other hand its alsop important to know when to give up too. Its our fear of failure that prevents us from being honest with ourselves and saying This isnt working.
    Jeannette Paladino recently posted…LinkedIn Reaches 300 Million Users Making Business ConnectionsMy Profile

  • Jeri - Reply

    April 24, 2014 at 5:48 am

    I definitely know about keeping a death grip on things. It can be so hard to let go of something even when we know its ultimately not making us happy. When I stopped worrying about if I was teaching the right way I became a good teacher. When I dont obsess over my writing I am a good writer. I strive more and more all the time to just be…
    Jeri recently posted…Shakespearean Insults: Fun with #Poetic PutdownsMy Profile

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