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Giving up the parts that do not fit anymore

Posted in - Personal Journey on February 24th 2014 2 Comments

Today I realized I can not control peopleplaces or things. Well I have known this before but I am human. Every so often I will revert back to my old ways.Shakespeare said

I have played many parts and some of those parts do not give me peace and serenity anymore.  I sometimes want to be the tyrant and put anybody and anything in their place. If all the pieces of the puzzle would fall into place then my life would be complete.  I really do think I am so clever when things seem to go my way for a split second. Then I am off to the races again trying to arrange life to my liking.  However now a days I do not fit into that bossy girl suit anymore. The suit is too tight and I look uncomfortable. I will sometimes still try to stuff myself into that director part. Soon after I get burned with my expectations and things not lining up with my perfect plan.God laughs at me for trying to control everything.  Today I try not to demand that everything go my way.  Instead I slip into go with the flow part. She seems much happier these days.


What parts of yourself do not suit you anymore?

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As of now (2) people have had something to say...

  • Chandler - Reply

    February 25, 2014 at 3:01 pm

    Im a big fan of the life model of whats not serving you has to change. Sometimes many times we are attached to old ideas bad relationships or work environments. If something isnt working just leave it and try something else. Much easier said than done but the growth I need never comes from something that is easy.

  • crystal - Reply

    March 6, 2014 at 5:52 pm

    It is easier said then done. That is why one of my mottos is progress not perfection. Thanks for the lovely comment. =)

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